Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program (TGMP) is a non-profit economic enterprise. Instead of traditional “donations” and “charity,” TGMP provides “microcredit” services to alleviate poverty in Türkiye. 

The purpose of the microcredit system is to help financially challenged women engage in sustainable income-generating activities and contribute to their family budgets. 

Unlike the banking sector, microcredit is a service offered to micro-entrepreneurs without requiring any documents or collateral other than an identification card.


Introductory Loan


Introductory Loan aims to make a smooth transition for financially challenged women who are ready to engage in income-generating activities and introduced to the microcredit system for the first time. Introductory Loan has a minimum limit of TRY 2,000 and upper limit of TRY 10,000 to be repaid in 24 weeks with 32% service fee including Banking and Insurance Taxes (BITT).

Fundamental Loans

  1. Business Loan is a type of loan with a minimum limit of TRY 6.000 and an upper limit of TRY 12.000. Business Loan is collected in 32 weeks with a total service fee of 40% including BITT.
  2. Basic Loan is a type of loan with a minimum limit of TRY 5,000 and an upper limit of TRY 20,000 with the loan is disbursed. Basic Loan is collected in 36 weeks with a total service fee of 44% including BITT.
  3. Development Loan is a type of loan given to micro-entrepreneurs who are in the microcredit system for 5 years and over, who use their financing in line with their microcredit purpose and contribute to their family and national economy by engaging in income-generating activities. For Development Loan, the minimum limit is TRY 15,000 and the upper limit is TRY 20,000. Development Loan is collected in 32 weeks with a 40% service fee including BITT.


Business Loans

  1. Entrepreneurial Loan is a type of loan given to micro-entrepreneurs who are taxpayers and have proven their success by using their microcredit financing to grow their business in addition to the loan they have received. Entrepreneurial Loan has a minimum limit of TRY 5,000 and upper limit of TRY 20,000 collected in 44 weeks with 36% service fee including BITT.
  2. Growth/Happytalist Loan is a type of loan given to micro-entrepreneurs who have increased their income above the poverty threshold and by experiencing this happiness, are motivated to become a trader and want to grow their commercial activities. Growth / Happytalist Loan is provided for micro-entrepreneurs who have benefited from Fundamental Loans (Basic Loan, Business Loan and Development Loan) with a total limit of TRY 10,000. Growth / Happytalist Loan has a minimum limit of TRY 25,000 and upper limit of TRY 40,000 and collected in 45 weeks. In order to benefit from Growth / Happytalist Loan, micro-entrepreneurs must be registered to Chamber of Commerce or Chamber of Merchants and Craftsmen.

Social Business Loans


Social Development Loan: Social Development Loan is a type of loan provided to micro-entrepreneurs who wish to engage in commercial activities to generate additional income, acting with the slogan “Social Business for Good” in addition to other loan types. Social Development Loan includes different products ranging from cleaning products to cosmetics.


Technology Loan is a type of loan given to micro-entrepreneurs who are the most affected by the digital divide problem in Türkiye are provided with financial support to access communication tools via Technology Loan. Financially challenged women who own a smart phone via Technology Loan repay their loans with service fees.


Social Development Loans Service Fee Rates and Repayment Weeks


Social Development Loans Service Fee Rates and Repayment Weeks
Price of Product Service Fee including BITT Repayment Weeks
TRY 1,500 and under 10% (16 Weeks)
TRY 1,501 – 3,000 15% (25 Weeks)
TRY 3,001 – 6,000 20% (40 Weeks)
TRY 6,001 and above 25% (50 Weeks)


Other Services


Mini-Insurance is a personal accident insurance plan where micro-entrepreneurs pay only 45 TRY per year and receive coverage of 10,000 TRY in case of accidental death and permanent disability.


Mini-housing is a house insurance plan that provides micro-entrepreneurs with coverage for damages caused by fire, flood, and storms. Homeowners are covered up to 15,000 TRY, while tenants are covered up to 10,000 TRY by paying only 50 TRY per year.


Voluntary Savings encourages low-income women to deposit at least 5 TRY per week into their voluntary savings accounts to raise awareness of saving.